Monday, June 27, 2011


We swim everyday since I teach lessons. It's so much fun for both Wyatt and I. Wyatt likes to copy me blowing bubbles and jump off the side of the pool. He goes under water and everything.

We foster the behavior at home in the yard. The goats and Mac like to try and join him so we run interference.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Sometimes It Happens...

One of my chickens thinks it's a sparrow or something. Oh well...

Monday, June 20, 2011


Our pasture sucks this year. Crazy weather, wind, no water...bad grass. At least where the ditch runs through the grass is growing. You can see Charlie get right down in there.

I've been getting up at 5 am to beat the wind and work them. I've got the sand colic under control, and am looking into buying those hay bags to keep the hay up more and keep them from pulling it into the sand.

Friday, June 17, 2011


We've been busy! Went to the Rockies/Tigers game tonight. Wyatts first game! We had so much fun!

Wyatt especially loved the cotton candy. He was everybodies favorite kid on the pavilion where we were sitting. He would catch the eye of the closest person with food and stare them down smacking his lips. It was so funny. By the end of the night he was on a first name basis with everybody.

Monday, June 06, 2011


We're learnin' him young!

Friday, June 03, 2011

Animal Kingdom - SLV Style

Well - the weather continues to blow here. It's such a violent wind there is no going outside. Cabin fever was bad this winter, but now it's unbearable because it's warm out, and the sun is shining (when you can see it through the dust clouds) but the wind sounds like a freight train roaring by the house.

Every forth day or so we may have a calm morning, or late afternoon and I cannot get outside fast enough.

Mac and Al have built a relationship. I see them roaming the yard together daily. Often they lay in the tall grass next to each other. Here they are catching a little shade:

Ringo would be dead broke by now if I had 3 days in a row to work him. This was the first time he was saddled up. No problem.

I did push the ticket this day however, and was attempting to lay across the saddle. He wasn't really impressed with my foot in the stirrup when I was getting him used to the weight. He bolted with a little leaping mini-buck. The third time he did it I got nailed in the inside of my thigh and was BLACK for a week. Then it turned purple. it was great. I don't think he was aiming for me or it probably would have been a LOT higher, but I think I'm going to have one of my little (younger) rodeo student's hop on him for that first ride. I don't feel like hitting dirt much anymore.