A taste of the rest of my life (I didn't actually say what I wanted to say - I just shared that here and, believe it or not, stayed calm):
1) All you are looking for is a meal ticket (seriously? Is that why I have a career?).
2) You can't have anything I bought for her. It's mine (good thing I have a career so I can keep cloths on her back then!).
3) You're an 'explicative' (Really? Actually, I think you may take the cake on that one sweetheart).
4) I must have raised him to be stupid (WTF).
5) You're not going to win (Is this a game? However, I think I already have...).
6) If I can't have her whenever I want her, I don't want her at all (so this isn't about her best interests afterall, but your loss of freakish control. Right?).
7) What is wrong with you that you're 31 and haven't been married yet? ( Maybe because I haven't sat around picking my butt and letting a man take care of me for the last 20 years...OR...because I have a life and don't have to live it through my children?).
And my personal favorite (though it was hard to choose between this one and #7:
8) I'd beat you up if I was in a relationship with you...(Huh? Doesn't even warrant a response. However I think I could take her...).
Yup, I'm fine. I'd still like to salvage it as it is family, however I'm not calling the shots concerning this one. My calm, easy going man has been pushed over the edge. I just hope things work out in the long run.
I like to see the humor in it.
Monday, August 31, 2009
I Believe the Bridges Have Been Burned
Friday, August 28, 2009
A Small Preview of the New Place
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's Been Crazy Alright...
Look a little closer at this beauty...
Like the tailpipes?
And my daddies car. Actually, it's my mommies - but she lets him pretend it's his. It's a '65 Bel Air.
More to come...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
As Promised...

See our lead changes at a trot?
On my own!
Just so you all have an idea of the size of these horses...the riding pics don't do them justice!
Many of you want to try and meet up Thursday night! I'd love to ! Give a call! I can't wait to see everyone!!! Hope this satisfied the picture cravings!!!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The PLAN...
Okay - here's the run down for our trip to Michigan. We'll arrive Wednesday afternoon. I think my mom and I are going to go look at dresses and I have an appointment on Thursday morning also. Since the folks live about 5 minutes from Downtown B'ham we're going to go check out the cars on display also since it's Dream Cruise weekend. We're meeting with the church Friday morning and showing my dad's Bel Aire Friday evening and then leaving for Chicago Saturday morning for my cousins' wedding. We will be back Sunday afternoon. Then we go home Monday.
So - for getting together - Wednesday night, Thursday afternoon and night, Friday night...As I said, my parents are right in Birmingham so for you car freaks you should meet us! I haven't been to Dream Cruise in years and have always loved just hanging out and looking at the cars. It's also a good family type thing so for those of you with kids I haven't met yet...I'd love to meet them! Just give yourself some extra driving time as traffic gets hairy. If that sounds like fun to anyone give me a call and I'll get you directions to my parent's place.
I'd also love to hit some of the bars in Royal Oak or head out to some yummy dinner one night with you all!
Coming up next: Pictures! I promise! Look for them sometime Tuesday!!!