My lilies are in bloom!
I actually didn't realize how long it's been since I blogged last, and when I received two back to back calls from friends wondering if there was anything wrong since they hadn't seen any new updates lately I figured I'd better let my blogging buddies know I'm still alive!
I've been semi-busy, but nothing really has been happening which is why I haven't felt I've had much to update!!!
So in a nutshell:
I'm teaching swim lessons everyday. Group lessons each morning and private lessons afterwards, sometimes well into the afternoon! Granted those days make me tired, but I really am enjoying being in the water! I've gotten really popular as a private instructor and am known as "that pregnant teacher". So when people call the pool to set up an appointment that's how they refer to me. I've had a few women ask me if they think I, "should really still be doing this..." and I always let them know how great it makes me feel and how my doctor has told me how happy I'm going to be for keeping all "those muscles toned". Seriously, do they think I should just be sitting on my arse all day or what?
I shrunk the belly. Really. One day I woke up and could see my feet again. Nate came home one day and was like, "whoa - where'd he go? or did your boobs just get bigger?" The answers are - under my ribs (ouch) and yes.

Wrigley won a photo contest. Go here to check him out! I love
this company, for small AND big dogs! We entered FOREVER ago, but it stayed active and he was chosen this month! Yeah for free stuff!

I'm knitting. I've been wanting to learn for a long time, have looked at books, everything...but never started. I finally decided I was going to and went to our little knitting shop in town to check out lessons and was told by the owner to just come in and she'd teach me! So I took advantage of it and after a lot of dropped stitches, somehow adding a billion stitches to rows and some major mistakes - I actually have a nice little project going. It's not as totally perfect as I'd like - but my teacher told me I'm being anal and it looks great. So yeah me! It's really the only thing I've done for myself all summer.
I'm still the horrid step-monster that has the audacity to drive her all over to her extra-curricular activities and attempt to suggest things like getting a pedicure and stopping for ice cream. I gave up on Barbie.
I take time every evening after it cools off to play fetch with the dogs. The sun is pretty brutal at this elevation during the day so I siesta if I'm not at the pool.

I came...

I saw...

I conquered...even though it's as big as me.

What about the ball? Just pet me! Maverick isn't into the whole 'fetch' thing like Wrigley and Dixie are.
Tinkerbell the pony came home after visiting with a friend for a few weeks. I thought that would jump-start my step-daughter into missing her and wanting to be around her more. When am I going to learn 'oh how wrong I always am'? She really is a sweet thing and I think she deserves to be loved by some little boy or girl so I want to sell her. I don't want to pay to feed her for nothing. It's not fair to either of us. I had some initial interest when I first put her out for sale, and then no follow ups to actually see her. Bummer. So if anyone knows of someone looking for a sturdy little pony - please contact me!!!
He's got legs! Here's my baby boy from last year on the far right. As you can see he's about all legs and we still don't know what his final color will be. AND....his front legs are straightening out quite nice overall. We keep him trimmed and have been working them into his growth spurts bit by bit.
They're watching the crop duster about 100 yards from the house in this picture. As you can see everyone is getting nice and fat since mom can't work them and show them this summer. They are in horsey heaven.
I love when the crop duster buzzes the house. It's so cool to watch. He goes right under the wires.