I have been so busy! Homecoming and Midterm week coincided this year. Wonder who set that up? It was a zoo. Then the start of the new quarter, combined with never being home...it's just been busy.
Then this weekend was spent with the Bison herd on The Medano Ranch where I work in the summers. It was wild, and not too safe really. When the bison get running it's an all out dead run for miles on horseback through rivers, over ditches, chico brush, etc. On Saturday I was riding Maggie and she actually slipped and fell over on top of me. We were fine and back up running in no time. Sunday I was riding a Ranch horse and trying her out on this - she was great, but wasn't used to the Bullwhip that is used. When it was cracked right next to her head by another rider she moved away from it and I was left with no saddle under me. She moved back under me, but I was already commited to pulling myself back into the saddle and just kept going! I hit the ground probably at 20 MPH (and we weren't even going full out at this point!). I bruised a rib and my hand, but other than needing to catch my breath it was all good! I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything; it was so awesome. I may take a day this week and go help them once more.
Early Morning Around the Fire:

There was a professional camera and film crew there and I cannot wait to get their footage.
We took a few breaks to let the horses rest and give ourselves a chance to catch our breaths. I had some fun taking pictures. These two cowboys work and live on the ranch full time. One is married to the manager's daughter, the other a former wrangler from Germany. Just good people all around.