Friday, November 27, 2009


This getting married thing is the pits. Actually, let me rephrase that: This wedding thing is the pits.

If I could listen to everyone's advice and just say, "hey, it's my day, I want it this way," I then start World War III. However, if anyone would actually listen to me then maybe things would be okay.
To all future brides out there - elope. The drama surrounding that will die down and you will save yourself some serious issues before, during and after the planning process. I was even silly enough to think that since I'm 1500 miles from where the wedding is taking place the drama was at a minimum and would be next to nothing since it was already taken care of - before I arrived in town. However, I have learned that drama waits for you, lurking and waiting until it can jump you in person.

If you insist on a wedding - be bridezilla. If you don't, somebody else will take on that role. I promise. Then you have to jump to their tune instead. Just do it yourself and listen to everyone complain about you - it's better than having to complain about somebody else when it's your wedding anyway.

For those of you who said your big day went off without a hitch and very little drama; either 1) I don't believe you or 2) I want some of the pills you were taking.


Carroll Farm said...

My wedding day and before and after the drama was unreal. If I could do it again I would ELOPE!! It would have been way more fun! Josh and I keep telling all our siblings that too, just run away and get it over with.

Andrea said...

I don't want to sound bad, but there was only a little drama about the reception location and once ghat was fixed everthing went pretty well. I did show up late to the ceremony and my husband thought I was standing him up. I was blessed with a helpful family and inlaws.

I am so sorry you are having such drama. If I were there I would be bridzilla for you so you could just relax and worry about you. I am so sorry. Good luck, just breathe, and remember it's all for a good!

alanna rose said...

Guess what?
Your wedding is tomorrow! And after that you will be married! And then no one will have anything else to bitch about, and if they do you can smack them :)

Seriously, the only thing you need to concern yourself with tomorrow is the fact that you and Nate will be married at noon - nothing else really matters. See you tomorrow!