Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Oh Christmas Tree...
The weekend after Thanksgiving we put up our tree...and a nice little tree it is! Even though we're leaving for Christmas (MI here we come!), it just wouldn't be the holidays without a fresh cut tree.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
We got the biggest early snowfall on December 3rd and 4th than I've seen since I moved here 8 years ago. It reminded me of Michigan, and we had a snow day. Gotta love it!
Wyatt had a blast playing in it. He got to drive the work truck to break up the driveway! Whoohoo!That little car is my new Toyota Yaris. Let's put it this way: I've been driving my F-250 everywhere, and it cost me nothing to purchase and drive the Toyota. That's how much money I saved by getting it. It was an impulse buy, but I couldn't pass up the deal - and now we have a family oriented, trustworthy vehicle with kick @ss milage!!! Plus it's fun to drive and my truck will not wear out due to wear and tear.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Another Bison Move
Last weekend, in freezing weather, we moved Bison again on the Zapata. The managers decided to sell the managed herd because of the drought here has made it almost inhabitable for something to overwinter on the Zapata Ranch side. Just not enough feed for those buggers.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Door Contest!
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Thanksgiving...A Little Late
We went up to the Zapata Ranch with some co-workers for a yummy meal! Country ham, smoked turkey, fresh bread, potatoes....yum!
What did everyone else do?We also took pictures for our Christmas cards. Saddled up Tootsie the mini-pony and started snapping away. It was so funny to watch Wyatt interact with the pony!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Feeding the Dogs
Feeding the dogs, according to Wyatt: "Once you've pushed Dixie out of the way with your butt, you can toss the feeder scoop because it has a hole in it anyway. See? I can even show you that. Make sure the cats are doing alright and then you just might as well use your hands to move food from Wrigley's bowl because he eats slow anyway."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hay Envy
I love the smell of fresh cut alfalfa!
Monday, November 07, 2011
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Squeakers...I Mean Sneakers...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sorry I've Been a Bum...Blogging
I have been so busy! Homecoming and Midterm week coincided this year. Wonder who set that up? It was a zoo. Then the start of the new quarter, combined with never being's just been busy.
Then this weekend was spent with the Bison herd on The Medano Ranch where I work in the summers. It was wild, and not too safe really. When the bison get running it's an all out dead run for miles on horseback through rivers, over ditches, chico brush, etc. On Saturday I was riding Maggie and she actually slipped and fell over on top of me. We were fine and back up running in no time. Sunday I was riding a Ranch horse and trying her out on this - she was great, but wasn't used to the Bullwhip that is used. When it was cracked right next to her head by another rider she moved away from it and I was left with no saddle under me. She moved back under me, but I was already commited to pulling myself back into the saddle and just kept going! I hit the ground probably at 20 MPH (and we weren't even going full out at this point!). I bruised a rib and my hand, but other than needing to catch my breath it was all good! I wouldn't have traded that experience for anything; it was so awesome. I may take a day this week and go help them once more.
Early Morning Around the Fire:

There was a professional camera and film crew there and I cannot wait to get their footage.
We took a few breaks to let the horses rest and give ourselves a chance to catch our breaths. I had some fun taking pictures. These two cowboys work and live on the ranch full time. One is married to the manager's daughter, the other a former wrangler from Germany. Just good people all around.

Monday, October 10, 2011
Race For A Cure
Monday, October 03, 2011
I ran my first 5K this weekend. Guess what? It didn't kick my butt - and I came in under my set pace! And Wyatt ran with his stroller! And I didn't train! I wonder what I could do if I did prepare for one?
I may do another next weekend!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My Serious Little Helper
Wyatt loves to help out in the yard. He drags the hoses everywhere and picks up whatever Mac has managed to 'hoard' onto the lawn from the outlying fields (sticks, bones, broken toys, cans, if we could just teach him to put them in the trash).
He's so serious about what he's doing when he gets focused.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Designer Butts, Homey and the Couch Potato
He also likes to wear his pants down around his butt. We call him Homey.And he has a thing for the couch he got for his birthday. It's the first thing he goes for when he gets home each day. He walks over to it and flops down. It's too funny.
Can you guess who he might be mimicking with that book in hand? He'll often prop his legs up on it also and lean against the arm. I think I live on the coach with a book when I'm not outside..
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Blast From the Past
Hey Michigander's - Remember this from your childhood?
My brother used to run around doing the baba boo thing from the flamingo and saying,"my makeup, my makeup!" and "5 minutes, just 5 minutes" to drive us nuts.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I recently brought Ringo back into the home pasture to be with the rest of the horses. They've been a little rough on him since he's never been part of this herd before. He's very independent anyway so he's taking it alright.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
This dog is seriously turning out to be the bestest dog ever. His herding instincts have kicked in, and though he may be a bit pup-ish at home, when I get on a horse he knows he's going to work.People have been asking at the ranch where I had him trained and what I have done with him. When I tell them he's only 9 months old and I haven't done anything with him but take him with me, they are amazed. He's that good of a dog.
Not too bad for a free dog! That's Maggie's feet he's sleeping next too. Those two have an understanding...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Labor Day Weekend...Part 2
Can you tell what this picture is?
Went to work on Sunday at the Ranch. We had a visitor the night before that broke into my friends house and ate all her sugar:
At least that's all he did before taking out her screen door! I caught the little bugger sniffing back around the house that afternoon. He wasn't too worried about me. There's been such a drought here that there isn't enough food for these guys and they are getting to be pests. Everyone is afraid there is going to be a huge die-off this winter due to lack of food. That and huge problems with them trying to find that food...
The managed herd is used to being worked on horseback and with people near them - this gal let me get up next to her on foot to take a picture. That is not something we would do with our wild herd as Bison are quite dangerous...not at all like cattle. We keep a few hundred aside that are worked regularly so guests can get closer for pictures and the experience.