We've been busy riding! Wyatt comes and hangs out at the arena with me. He loves to sit in his stroller or playpen and pet the "kitties" (everything is a kitty right now) through the fence. Afterwards he gets to play in the giant sandbox. He loves dirt. All boy I tell ya.
He'd love to ride on his own - but is a bit small for it still.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Cowboy Wyatt
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Vernors - A Michigan Original
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Mother of All Bugs
This is what the dryness has brought into our house this year. There must have been a nest nearby and they are coming in for water. I've literally only seen about 2 of these since I've moved out here, and now not a day doesn't go by when we don't kill at least one in the house. They move super fast and creep me out.

We call them scorpion spiders, but aren't actually a true spider - though they are an arachnid they are more closely related to scorpions. They are also known as sun spiders or camal spiders. Those are big mandibles to chew on you with coming out of their head. They eat small rodents.
I think I'm going to set off a bug bomb under the house.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011
The weather here continues to be bizarre. It went from sand storms and miserable wind almost every day to unbearable heat and wind part time. And it's humid to top it off, which is weird for here - especially since it's rained once in 6 months. We're looking at another drought and the hay prices are going sky high because of it. They've almost doubled from lat year. I know come fall they'll drop again but it's not looking good right now. I'm looking at selling a few horses. I'm sick about it.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Zapata Falls
We hiked up to Zapata falls a few weekends ago. I forgot my camera - sorry for the low quality pics from the phone, but I couldn't get away without taking any at all! When I got back to the truck I realized I had the school camera with me all along - oh well!
This baby backpack keeps rockin'. We use it all the time. Wyatt fell asleep in it on the way down. He wasn't real impressed with the sun shade though and kept leaning out the side to get a better look at everything.
He totally crashed out afterwards. Didn't even 'burrow' to sleep and had to make due with his hand over his face instead.