Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cleaned the Shed!!!

Ok - I have become addicted to Pinterest.  I love it. Great idea for EVERYTHING!!!  However, I have found that I unable to do most things unless I get my house and yard together. There is just so little space...

It was a beautiful weekend so I decided to move the storage bins in the shed to the new shed and turn the old shed into a good place for feed and yard supplies.  I could not walk from the front to the back of the shed before.

As we also had two little kitties dropped off so they now have a safe place to live until they grow (I'm not sure why Wyatt looks like he has a huge noggin in these pics, but they were too precious to leave out! I especially like where he and the black kitty are touching noses!).

I'm feeling motivated!

Any ideas for kitty names?

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