Monday, January 25, 2010
Oh When the Saints...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Yeah for Frost!
However, we need moisture REALLY bad here in the valley, so snow actually would have been appreciated. I did get a chance to snap some pictures while I waited for the truck to defrost yesterday morning. Some of the pictures may be usable, (but need some editing) as it was hard to see well with the sun coming up and reflecting off everything. These two are of the same area, but at different times of the rising of the sun.

Friday, January 15, 2010
Picture Tag!
Thanks Kara for tagging me! This was fun and I had to open a folder I haven't seen in awhile!
The Rules:
1) Open your first photo folder
2) Scroll down to the 10th picture in your folder (if you don't have 10 pictures, go to the next folder that does)
3) Post that photo and tell your story behind the photo
4) Tag 5 friends to do the sameThis picture was taken by my sister-in-laws photographer on her wedding day. This is shortly after we all arrived from the hairdressers and were having a 'brunch' in her parent's dining nook. That's her father in the kitchen. The house has since been sold due to the economic situation and her parent's have moved to Columbus, OH to follow work.
At about this time I was debating whether to stop speaking to the chick on the far left or kill her. She made some comments about my age and how 'old' I was - and asked, "how, exactly, do you feel about your younger brother getting married before you?" on the car ride home from the salon. I told her not all of us were willing to sleep around and have children out of wedlock as a teenager, so I was willing to wait for the right person. It may have been a low blow since I really could care less about other people's choices - but she really rubbed me the wrong way. She kinda left me alone after that.
Now I think it's a bit funny.
Ok - Tag, you're it!
Andrea @ Swamp Suburbia
Carrol Farm
Browneyed Cowgirls
Randi (because we never hear from you!)
Heather (Rae Rae) - since I KNOW you have a ton of pics!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010

Also little Brees fell into the water hole - an opening in the ice over the ditch to allow the horses access to drink. She took it in stride and I had her out pretty fast, but once she quite moving around the chill set in. So she got to come inside and wrap up in a towel by the fire. I wish I'd taken a picture, but like I said, I wasn't feeling too good so I just hung out with her until she quit shivering. I guess Boomer fell in a few mornings ago while Nate was breaking ice, so maybe they both will steer clear from here on out!
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Ridiculously Long
I cannot believe I haven't posted since before I went on school break! And it isn't as if I was super busy either...I'm sorry!!!
Say Hello to Betsy:
Nate has decided she IS NOT going to be Sunday dinner one day, but rather a mommy (because she likes her back and head scratched) and she can earn her keep by procreating for a cause.
Also - Wrigley is going to meet his girlfriend tonight. So in a few months there should be little Wrigleys. There's a thought...I get pick of litter, but I think we have enough dogs for now...though you never know....
Christmas was okay. New Year's sucked. Other things happening - one major thing unplanned - that I will go into at a later date.
We DID NOT go to Michigan. Another sore point, but I sometimes get the feeling that my parent's have 'married me off'. Not a happy subject with me.
Sorry this is quick. I promise to be better!