My door won. We got 3 dozen donuts to share with the classes that helped. So my freshman classes are sugared up!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Guess What?
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Weather Outside is...
Rumba wasn't having any of the reindeer antler thing, but Maggie sure wanted to see what was up. Smack's hair is about as long as my hand. He's like a little teddy bear and all he wants to do is cuddle too.
Then I decided Shirley and Ned needed to get in on the fun. All they really wanted to do was butt heads and try out their new supersized horns. First Ned sized up Shirley...
Then Shirley eyeballed Ned...headbutting did ensue...
Onto the dogs...I think you can see not one animal, perhaps excepting Maggie and Smack, were amused at anything I was doing with them. Dixie kept rolling her eyes at me (literally. She's the only dog I've ever known to roll eyes). And Maverick kept trying to crawl into my lap and hide his face. I think he was humiliated.
Wrigley wasn't having any of it. After eating one pair of antlers while my back was turned, he decided the Santa hat was 'the bomb' and tried to climb into it.
Notice he doesn't have hold of it, but it running away with it over his head since I was coming after him.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
The Compromise of the Christmas Tree
I grew up with a live tree my whole life. We used to go out and cut our own. I wanted to do that, but as we are very busy, and since Nate is working weekends until Christmas, we really don't have time to go up to the mountains and cut one as a family. He also wanted a fake tree.
Since I was in the mood after all this, I decided to enter my school's annual door decorating contest. It's 3D. As my students say, "I'm in it to win".
Nice that I teach in a PUBLIC school that still allows the word 'CHRISTMAS' to be uttered. And that decorations are allowed:
Thursday, December 03, 2009
I Like Winter Weddings

However, the drive was good for me and by the time I made it back to my parent's house I had thought things through and a truce had been made via text messaging (amazing how that works isn't it?).
Getting married is stressful. I hate to imagine what would have happened if we'd had more than 5 months to plan for the wedding. It didn't help that the stress was compounded by the fact that my mom wished we'd had more time...that made me feel I was somehow doing things wrong.
Oh well.
By the time I was standing in the church waiting to walk down the aisle, wondering if Nate was going to faint (he looked a little pale), nothing mattered anymore because I was laughing too hard. Surprisingly I was totally calm about everything (the Mimosa that morning may have helped).
The wedding was beautiful and our Priest did a great job with everything. I loved our piano player, the harpist at the reception rocked, and the food was awesome! We held the reception at Bistro Bourdeau in Auburn Hills. I highly recommend them for not just parties, but for an elegant, affordable, delicious night out as well.
We stopped at only one spot for pictures, and in hindsite I wish I'd pushed for another. I was feeling a little rushed because the reception followed immediately after the ceremony and my mom had made a few comments about the time spent on pictures at the church, and then my brother kept commenting on time when we stopped (probably under orders from mom). I did put my foot down and say that this was our wedding and we were only stopping in one place so I was going to take my time there...but I really am a bit disappointed they couldn't have left me alone concerning it all. It wasn't like anyone was waiting for us to eat - food was served before we arrived. That attitude sort of went along with the whole theme that I rushed things so now we didn't have time for anything extra - which was Bull. I just wish a few people could have been a bit more excited about my marriage. They love Nate, so it's not like that even became an issue, and it's not like I'm some youngster running headlong into God knows what.

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
This getting married thing is the pits. Actually, let me rephrase that: This wedding thing is the pits.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Point of No Return
I'm having issues. But seriously, when am I not? I'm getting married Saturday. It's just hitting me. I have trouble taking on myself - and I'm taking on another adult and a 5 year old? I am changing my last name, but I am starting to have problems with it. Just identity problems. Like will I still be me-me? That and I NEVER want anyone to mistake me for my mother-in-law due to a last name.
Friday, November 13, 2009
15 Days and Counting...
Thanks for all the great comments on the last post. It's just a very new situation and I want to do right despite my selfish 'wants' every now and then.
These next two weeks are crazy. Literally. We're throwing Nate's daughter a birthday party tomorrow and I need to make a cake tonight, I have a reining and horsemanship clinic on Sunday, the bridesmaid's jewelry still needs to be made, I promised a friend I would help her with a P@mpered Chef party next week, I have two days of teacher development days before Thanksgiving, I have 40 papers to grade and am giving exams next week, my brochures are not done because I still don't know what goes in them and I have to get the license information taken care of online so we can pick it up when we get into Michigan the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Then we have to take care of the reception stuff here in CO the weekend we get back because we're on our own with this one with no local family help.
Elopement sounds good.
I always think of the billion things I want to blog about when I'm out and about, but then when I sit in front of the computer I'm overwhelmed with what I 'should' be doing. Things will get back to 'my normal' again soon. I hope.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Being a Mom is Hard
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and I think, "what in God's name have I gotten myself into?" Being a mom is hard. Being an instant mom is hard. I never had the opportunity with Nate's daughter to watch her grow into the little 'young miss' she is today. Some days I *gasp* really don't like her. She's five on Wednesday, and whereas I'm well aware this is the age of 'pushing' and lying and trying to find boundaries, some days I wonder is she has ever been a sweet little girl.
But she is. And those days only happen occasionally, but it makes me feel guilty when I don't like her. I wonder if it's because I feel I'm being watched closely. Somebody is waiting for me to make a huge mistake.
Only I'm not going to. Because not only am I doing the best I can; I think back on all the changes this little girl has gone through in the last six months.
Six months ago she screamed when she saw a dog. Was scared to pet a cat. Whined that chickens were going to hurt her. Figured 'please' and 'thank you' were words belonging to some other society. Abused other children through words and actions. Had no friends. Couldn't socially relate to children her age. Etc, etc, etc...
Now she drags my dogs around, has her own kitten she won't leave alone, feeds chickens, horses and goats, says please and thank you a little more regularly, decided fighting with children would get her few friends and now talks about whom she plays with at school each day, and basically is a normal little five year old.
She also has a bed time. Doesn't watch TV for extended periods. Reads books and makes up stories. Sits down to dinner as a family each night. Has chores and responsibilities.
But in some circles (and the ex-wife doesn't count 'cause she's on drugs or something) I'm a bad person. Or at least totally disrespected and not even considered except as a threat.
So maybe being a mom isn't so hard all the time, but it is hard living under a microscope all the time.
Nate comes with a LOT of baggage.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Shirley and ... ?
We love Shirley, the little white goat, but Hank just isn't cutting it for the boy. Basically because Nate named the Turkey Hank and we're butchering him next weekend. He's mean. Nate's depressed about it. We just can't resurrect him into a goat.
Nate and I got busy with wedding favors over the weekend. I looked and looked and just couldn't find what I wanted and couldn't justify spending a few hundred dollars on candy. Then I started looking at things like cookie cutters, cards, etc. Still couldn't find anything that was grabbing me...until I found little gift cards made of paper pressed with seeds and an idea was born! I wasn't going to spend a billion dollars on these things, but what if I made them myself? So I found a site that sells the paper in sheets, bought a few odds and ends and about $70 later I have enough supplies to make over 200 gift cards and leftover supplies for future projects. That's WAY less than what I budgeted to spend on 100 guests and we have two receptions (one in MI and one in CO). Go me. Look how cute! And there's a little poem on the back about planting them in the spring so they can grow!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I'm sick. I got sick about 3 hours into my trip to MI and stayed that way. I'm sorry I didn't get to see anyone. I'm still sick.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It's Snowing
And I'm supposed to Drive to the Springs at 4:30 am tomorrow. However it's supposed to be clear and sunny by then all over Colorado. Welcome to a Colorado winter. I think it's here.
So I'll be in Detroit tomorrow. Whoohoo!
Friday, October 16, 2009
I'm Disappearing
Not really, but I want to. I got the bug. It was like the 16 hour bug. I thought I was going to die. I still don't feel that good but since this place has been booked - I'm going. I'll be back tomorrow after I do some shopping in a town that actually has more than two stores in it.

Whoops! I guess my photobucket account was inactive so my background was MIA! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Alternate Universe? ...and a contest...
Aren't they precious?
Monday, October 12, 2009
I know I've never really explained the story of Nate and myself to anyone, so I thought I'd throw in a few bites here and there...with explanations of course...
My girl Tiff found Nate half naked on her roof and 'brought him home'.
Nate has a construction company and Tiff was coming home from a run when she saw him with his shirt off (She sort of channels Samantha from Sex and the City). Anyway - she brought him to dinner at her aunt and uncles where we often convene Friday Nights for dinner and drinks. Basically the rest is history.
Nate didn't technically propose.
I was out of town for work and was texting him one night. Out of frustration and joking around with him I said he should marry me and put me out of my misery. He said nothing would make him happier. Two days later while lazing around at my house he said, "you know, I was serious about that." I sort of was like whatever. Then we started talking, then he asked if I would marry him if he asked, I replied I suppose I would, he was like, "would you really?"...and I was all, "are you asking?" He said yes, I said technically you haven't asked, he said would you? I said yes...nuff said.
Being an instant mom is an issue.
It's hard raising someone else's kid. Really. Some days I think she really likes me, but then she gets all diabolical and bratty and attention seeking simply when Nate gives me a kiss hi. She's seriously bossy and I had to actually sit her down and talk to her about being bossy with her 'imaginary' friends of all things! It was that bad! I guess this is one of those wait and see what happens situations. I'm trying.
School is crazy.
7th year teaching. 5th new Principal. Do I need to say anymore?
Planning a wedding is making me nuts.
Though it's low key - I'd like to dictate for once. It's not happening. Oh well. I guess somebody has to be brideszilla. It just isn't me.
Our reception here in the valley includes Appetizers and Drinks.
Does anyone see anything wrong with that wording? Anyone? Anyone? Certain members (yes, multiple) of Nate's REALLY screwed up family believe that means 'boozefest'. Seriously? I'll show you boozefest baby... When they pay for ANYTHING...SOMETHING...then maybe they can dictate what's going on. Until then I would like my glass of wine while I mingle. And Nate will enjoy his beer. Thanks. If that makes us alcoholics then LABEL US BABY! YEEHAAA!
Ok - needed to get that off my chest. I guess that's just a few less items we won't be getting off our registries. Oh well.
By the way. I have a few new 'kids' that have joined the family. Get it? Kids? Pictures in the next post...
Monday, October 05, 2009
Where Does the Fun Come In?
Obviously with the women I work with at this point in my life. They made it real for me this weekend with a Bachalorette Party. They rented a suite for me at a local hotel, took me to dinner and had a Passion Party Consultant. It was a riot! I haven't laughed that much in a long time. My abs hurt.
It brought the fun back to this whole thing. It seriously has become a bit of an ordeal with all the drama. After this weekend, "the drama from the momma" can stick it you know where...
Here's a few of the ladies early in the evening before I was allowed into the suite. I thought the boas were a nice touch. That's a princess crown on my head but it didn't fit very good.
Friday, October 02, 2009
So school, future MIL drama, Nate ex-wife drama, school...oh yeah and this wedding thing...
Invites are going out TODAY! Yeah - I finally got them finished. I've just been really busy with everything. Real big surprise there eh?
I actually had somebody rip into me about why we're having the wedding after Thanksgiving. Huh? Basically 'cause we don't want to wait until next summer, and Christmas is too crazy? Or if we have it at Thanksgiving we can honeymoon at spring break? Or...why do you care, just don't come?
We know it's a busy time of year - and if people can't make it, then I guess people can't make it! It's okay! We just wanted to be sure to invite everyone we could! I guess putting out the invites sort of makes this final. Anyone else ever have that feeling? It's really weird.
On the same note - we are very serious about this - if somebody cannot make it to the wedding due to family plans, new babies, holiday plans, distance, etc...we totally understand! Really!
I've basically thrown in the towel concerning caring about much. What's going to happen is going to happen. Bottom line? Nate and I are getting married in less than 2 months! YEAH!
Bachalorette party this weekend. Some of the gals thought we should have some fun. Could be interesting...
FYI - I'll be in D-town from Oct. 22nd to the 25th. Finalizing some stuff and maybe seeing some of those new babies out there?!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Not All Can Kiss My Rear End
I don't want you all to think life is miserable ALL the time. Actually, it isn't at all. Just a bit trying. I've waited a long time to meet a great guy and I'm not going to give anyone any reason to believe I don't deserve him. I just need a ranting post every now and then...
We have apples!!! It's just a little tree, but there were a half dozen on it this year. Unfortunately we had a horrid wind storm and now they are all on the ground. I did go get them but they are a bit tart!

All That and More
You'd think that people would be happy that I treat Nate's daughter as my own. You'd think that there could be concern she wasn't my number one priority, and that when I had my own children she would be put to the side, but that my actions speak otherwise. You'd think that because she's so obviously important to me that I would not be ridiculed and abused. Whatever. If Nate makes a decision that isn't agreed upon it's my fault. The woman has been waiting years for someone like me; a whipping boy; her own personal scapegoat. My looks are wrong, my age is wrong, my religion is wrong...
I feel like I am the embodiment of all that is wrong with this world right now - let's not look at who a person really is and determine if they are decent through actions, words and deeds, but instead on personal prejudices and hatred and ignorance.
I became a teacher because I felt this world was past that on a whole and we could learn from all this. I teach prejudices. We study and read about how things have come to be due to them, and the sufferings people have lived all over the world. I never thought in a million years I, (especially an upper middle-class, white chick who has always been privileged compared to many) would be prejudiced against. We live in a world where ignorance is no longer an excuse and tolerance is preached on every corner. Have people become so blind and deaf to all that has been fought for?
Perhaps the 'dark ages' aren't so far behind. I have never felt so much hatred in my life. And it is backfiring on her and her family. I am not backing down. I am not becoming bitter and hateful. I am kind, considerate and respectful. I have more empathy for those who have dealt with prejudice and racism. And now that I have 'walked that mile' (or rather, a very small percentage of it); I have become even a better teacher.
I win.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I love this web site. I still haven't figured out how to copy an image unless I print it and scan it - and even though you can get an html code, it's really small. It's awesome for my job since we deal with language daily, and it's fun to boot.
It's also a great way to blow off steam during the day (if you click on it you can see it in more detail).
Friday, September 11, 2009
So What I've Really Been Doing...
But really - life has been moving on. We're having a VERY, VERY early Homecoming this year due to new school construction and I'm going crazy as usual. We've had all kinds of fundraisers and guess who's in charge. How does that always happen? I'd actually like to do my real job - namely teaching...
And despite my address being the same - I moved into the house Nate and I will be calling home come November. It's a little down the road and there are no crazy neighbors to deal with, however it is a little smaller and right now we're dealing with storage. Storing extras, things we won't need until we have a larger home, animals....The horses have pasture and we need to put up more fence for them. The dogs have a big pen and can run around the yard too. The chickens...well the chickens will be sharing part of their pen with a new addition very soon (it's a surprise) but here's what we all did last weekend:
All the dogs helped out too (see the awesome doghouse in the background that Nate built for them this summer!?)
Unhappy poultry in a horse trailer (too bad I didn't get me trying to move them on video...real fun I tell ya)
Wait until you see the finished product!!!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Apology???
Sunday Morning-
"I'm sorry. Like Danielle said, I'm a disgrace. Can we have your daughter the rest of the weekend?"
Huh? Disgrace? When did I say that? Oh yeah - in the letter I supposedly sent her telling her that (we think she sent it to herself...and no Andrea, not enough time for yours to get there if you wrote one). Or perhaps there are more people out there who think her behavior is ridiculous. That's me: the Scapegoat. Let's spell that together: S-C-A-P-E-G-O-A-T. Oh lucky me. I MAKE her behave in such a silly manner. For shame.
Anywho - she threw a Labor Day Party. Guess who all wasn't invited? But she's sorry. Really. Really. REALLY.
AND - we have permission from the restaurant my parent's want to extend the reception into the bar area after the place opens to the public for dinner. Yeah.
Now for all the details in planning. It's a bit crazy and it's Homecoming Week here - so I'm crazy. Fun times I tell ya.
And No, Nate's Daughter did not go with her - she stayed with us through the Labor Day weekend. We will not allow anyone to put her in the middle of anything, and that includes childish behavior from adults who will apologize to get their own way. And we had fun!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
What the...?
Well, things don't get better I guess. I'm not sure what the problem is, but evidently I'm the devil re-incarnate. Like you all didn't already know that?
I've got some cool venues for the reception - Ford Conference Center, Greenfield Village...but my father and I are bumping heads. Let's just say I want more than two hours to thank everyone and eat. Is that unreasonable?
If I know it wouldn't hurt feelings I'd elope...maybe. I don't really want to though.
Isn't this all supposed to be fun?
Monday, August 31, 2009
I Believe the Bridges Have Been Burned
A taste of the rest of my life (I didn't actually say what I wanted to say - I just shared that here and, believe it or not, stayed calm):
1) All you are looking for is a meal ticket (seriously? Is that why I have a career?).
2) You can't have anything I bought for her. It's mine (good thing I have a career so I can keep cloths on her back then!).
3) You're an 'explicative' (Really? Actually, I think you may take the cake on that one sweetheart).
4) I must have raised him to be stupid (WTF).
5) You're not going to win (Is this a game? However, I think I already have...).
6) If I can't have her whenever I want her, I don't want her at all (so this isn't about her best interests afterall, but your loss of freakish control. Right?).
7) What is wrong with you that you're 31 and haven't been married yet? ( Maybe because I haven't sat around picking my butt and letting a man take care of me for the last 20 years...OR...because I have a life and don't have to live it through my children?).
And my personal favorite (though it was hard to choose between this one and #7:
8) I'd beat you up if I was in a relationship with you...(Huh? Doesn't even warrant a response. However I think I could take her...).
Yup, I'm fine. I'd still like to salvage it as it is family, however I'm not calling the shots concerning this one. My calm, easy going man has been pushed over the edge. I just hope things work out in the long run.
I like to see the humor in it.
Friday, August 28, 2009
A Small Preview of the New Place
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's Been Crazy Alright...
Look a little closer at this beauty...
Like the tailpipes?
And my daddies car. Actually, it's my mommies - but she lets him pretend it's his. It's a '65 Bel Air.
More to come...