Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th. Seems Fitting...

...for good reasons. Namely because it isn't special to me...ever. And it's kinda lonely. It's okay if you like it though, I just don't.

I get to watch little broken hearts today in my classes as roses and candy are passed out and they didn't get any.

I want to tell them it's okay. I never did either.


alanna rose said...

In HS I hated it when student gov't would pass out the ugly carnations you could buy for your friends.

Poor kiddos.

Andrea said...

So, that is why I am having a bad day, it's friday the 13th!!

My hubby is working all night and then getting up super early tomorrow to work again. He could care less about Valentine's day. I would like a night out, just one!! Please??? Nope, not one, I am the full time babysitter!! That is my job title. Can you tell I am a bit bitter??

BB said...

Happy Belated Friday the 13th!!! Sending you virtual hugs and the hope you treated yourself to something special on Feb 14... That's what I would do (and I spent many MANY V days boyfriend-less). Pedicure, bubblebath, special movie... love thyself!